Our Services

Architect as Advocate

The role of an Architect does not begin and end simply with an idea and a set of drawings.  Often times the most overlooked and underutilized role of the Architect is that of the advocate for the owner. We are here from project conception to project completion acting on behalf of you, the owner.  Our role is central to the design and construction process to make certain that your vision and intent is preserved, along with your budget.  The best way to achieve this is to plan well in advance of your anticipated construction start date. We want to be there for you well before you’re ready to start.

Scott Architecture + Design Works offers a variety of services to suit where you may be at in your process. We are here to help you with as little, or as much, as you may need.


Feasibility Study / Pre- Purchase Advice

You’ve found the perfect piece of land, but you’re just not sure what can be built on it. We will visit the site, research zoning and comb through the municipal codes to identify guidelines, constraints and limitations and prepare a report of these findings to support your efforts moving forward. Or maybe you’ve found that “perfect home” that the realtor told you that you could just “add on” that extra bedroom. Similar to our feasibility studies, we will investigate with the appropriate entities and agencies and provide you with information to better inform you during your decision making process. Pre-design services are available, separate of these specific services.

Pre Design Services

This is an excellent point to begin if you have an existing site or property and would like to fully understand what your project has the potential to become without diving straight into Architectural Design Services. How do setbacks, easements, right of ways, height restrictions, floor area ratios, etc, affect your project? From these constraints we will derive diagrams and general massing to help give you an understanding of what your project could begin to look like.

Architectural Services

These are the typical and traditional services associated with Architects. Through our Pre-Design analysis, we will refine the design and begin to develop it further from a Design –Development stage, while coordinating with engineers and all other consultants, to the completion of the Construction Documents. From there, a biddable set of drawings will be provided and we can assist in the selection of a General Contractor and will be there to assist during the construction as part of our Construction Administration services.



Entitlements and Subdivisions

Entitlements are legal rights conveyed by approvals from governmental entities to develop a property for a certain use, intensity, building type or building placement. Are you thinking about requesting a variance from the zoning or municipal code?  If so, you’ll need entitlements. Subdividing and creating subdivisions are other examples of where entitlements are required. The entitlement process can be tedious and lengthy. We know that your time is best spent outside of pursuit of these entitlements, and as such, we are here to help you in this step of the process.

Pro Forma Analysis

We love numbers and we love putting those numbers to good use. Development of a pro forma  for either a for sale or for rent project is necessary to identify and evaluate if your development deal works or doesn’t.  It is atypical that a development client would come to us prior to having this critical step complete but in the event that it is not and you do require assistance or have not even begun  the pro forma, we are happy to provide that service. 

 Is there a project we can help you with?